Nov 27, 2017
Brand Strategist, Tony Rouse
and friend to Lisa brought the amazing Wes and Bernadine Cantrell
to share the hour on Game Changers with Lisa Faulkner. It was one
for the books as their sentimental relationship was unwrapped on
air along with nuggets for life and inspiration that will get you
to the next level personally...
Nov 27, 2017
Stephanie Joy's bubbly
personality that landed her on the Cheerios box and in commercials
for major brands like Pop Tarts, Best Buy and Cost Cutters still
shines through now as a Christian Music Artist. Her major starring
role now no longer conflicts with her faith as a wife, mother and
artist who brings the message of...
Nov 24, 2017
When Lisa invited her high
school classmate, friend and brother in Christ to share the hour
with her for an inspiring time and talk about the church, she had
no idea the profound revelation it would reveal. This hour is sure
to open your eyes; ignite your passion; and set you on an
individual path of soul searching....
Nov 23, 2017
He is a published writer, poet
laureate, an activist of the most positive change, and a mentor and
motivator to the masses. Hank Stewart is a gentleman of gentlemen
and Lisa was so proud to welcome this true game changer to the show
for the hour. You will listen again and again as Lisa and Hank
cover the most authentic...
Nov 22, 2017
Jessica Cross was on a
successful path as an educator, wife and mother when her young life
was almost struck down by a stroke she never saw coming. Instead of
approaching recovery like others may she chose to use her
therapeutic keystrokes to write her first novel, Crossed
Lines: What Lies Buried Within the Heart....