May 7, 2017
Damon Nailer is on a quest to
bring out the good in everyone through his writings and teachings
that help us find us. Shel Horowitz is not afraid to dream that
just maybe we can all make a difference and change the world one
commitment at a time. Hear how these game changers are moving
forward and asking that you join...
May 7, 2017
There's nothing like a mother's
love and courage to rise above her circumstances for her children.
Hear one of our most powerful game changers' stories from Dr.
LaTarsha Holden who pulled herself and family out of homelessness
to leading and paving the way for others through her experiences
and service. Mothers also...
May 7, 2017
Lisa welcomed back one of her
favorite guests, Lisa Alexander to share her breakthrough results
of losing 90lbs! The journey is enlightening and her spirit is
contagious as the two Lisas talk communications shop and learn more
about Lisa Alexander's new business endeavors. Dr. Kendall McKnight
lit up the night with...
May 7, 2017
When you incorporate spiritual
guidance with education and grace you get two phenomenal women
leaders impacting the globe for good. Hear more from Commissioner
Ruiz and how she leads hundreds with integrity and beliefs
that have propelled her into a sought after speaker and
accomplished Commissioner in the great city of...