Mar 25, 2016
Lisa was happy to welcome back Mary Ellen Ciganovich for more inspiration through her life's triumphs over epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. No day is normal as Mary Ellen believes and lives by her Truths of Day shared with thousands. Her greatest compilation is still found in her book, Healing Words, Life Lessons to...
Mar 12, 2016
It's not enough to be a relative of greatness, but Dr. Braxton Cosby fits the mold of the Cosby family as he was inspired by the epic entertainment of his uncle Bill Cosby. Now living fat free in mind, body and soul he is the author of Fat Free for Life and the CEO of the thriving Cosby Media Productions. Dr. Cosby and...
Mar 7, 2016
Hailey stole the show in all the right ways as her mother and she shared the traumatic story of Hailey being suddenly stricken with a rare form of cancer in stage IV. Their burden has become a blessing to so many others as Hailey and her mother lead the powerful charge of serving other families and children with cancer....
Mar 6, 2016
Game Topics Roundtable Experts weigh in on today's trending topics and more! Enjoy the show!