Nov 22, 2017
Jessica Cross was on a successful path as an educator, wife and mother when her young life was almost struck down by a stroke she never saw coming. Instead of approaching recovery like others may she chose to use her therapeutic keystrokes to write her first novel, Crossed Lines: What Lies Buried Within the Heart. Literally surrounded by the love of her husband and daughter Jessica sat down with Lisa to tell her game changing story and how she is empowering others after her stroke. Lisa found a new girlfriend in the next A List Game Changer, Angela Meryl. She is a stuntwoman to stars like Beyonce and came to share her experiences and the secret to the stunt life she has written for enthusiasts in her new book, STUNTS: THE HOW TO HANDBOOK… Secrets From An Award Winning Hollywood Stuntwoman. Lisa loved her time with Angela and you will too! Enjoy the show!