Jul 7, 2015
There is one thing that is sure about this show - I was happy to be back! But more than that I thoroughly enjoyed the life magnitude and fortitude of Dr. Marcus Jackson and his young mentees. They joined us for the hour and if you want to hear a real man in action please join us too. Dr. Jackson is an educator and author but more than that, he's a father and brother figure to many young youth who would otherwise be deemed and left at risk. There was no stopping or denying the young breath of fresh air we felt when Tasha Kinnard hit the air with her story of rising out of the ashes of the less than fortunate of Chicago. She kept us glued and made us want more, of her advice that is on building a financial portfolio. The key word is building game changers and you'll want ot sign up for this young lady's next class. Enjoy the show!