Aug 17, 2015
It was a distinct hour to hear from the Georgia Minority Leader, Representative Stacey Abrams of the 89th House District in Atlanta. We were informed, inspired and enlightened on issues that effect all of us. Representative Abrams is at the top of her game leading the Democratic party to new heights and rights for...
Aug 15, 2015
It was a wonderful hour with professionals who understand their brand and who offer it up to their market in the most rewarding ways. Kim McNair shared the wealth of knowledge and opportunities she is bringing to the city of Atlanta with her second annual Women on the Move conference in September. Kervance Ross set the...
Aug 10, 2015
There is an old adage that says we have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. Hear first hand experience on a domestic violence situation and relationship that caused her to fold in the most vital way as she protected her life. Her budding success now and arms back to others in similar situations is why...
Aug 1, 2015
Lisa was on ten to welcome back her dear friend, Ken Randolph as co-host along with Attorney Ajile Brown to discuss today's trending topics. Nestled in the middle was the phenomenal Oshunbumi Fernandez in the studio from the city of brotherly love to bring us highlights from the world renowned Odunde 365 Festival. It...